Friday 13 December 2013

The Departure Of The Creator

  Some 6 years back, it was a dark cloudy day, with the rainy clouds surrounding the top of the roof. Just a very good setup for a day sleep. My eyes were ready to close without my permission to get into a  long awaited sleep. I was on the verge of getting into a short sleep which will make me feel better after working for almost 10 hours continuously on a night shift.  Within minutes got into a deep tire sleep, where I'm provided with a chariot to ride into the dream world. 

The Dream started with........

I was sitting in the mid of a lawn bending my back against a Oak tree which is at the center of the lawn and a diary in my hand. The diary was a dusty old one with cover page referring to the year 34 AD. 
Filled with suspense and anxiousness I opened the mid page of the diary and ended up mystified. The diary has only two pages of text and that too the page I opened, the others pages were blank. To put an end to this puzzle I read those pages.  The text on the pages revealed that one of my friend who is also my room mate is "Jesus".  With sudden flood of spiritualism I started running toward my house unknowing the distance to cover.
Even after running for minutes I was unmoved, though after a few minutes I reached the doorsteps of the house. There was a bright light penetrating though the edges of the door. The door opened itself for me to look into the source of the bright light. For the next few minutes the bright light filled the eyes without no clear image. Slowly but steadily could see the bright light dimming and images on the hall seems to be appearing one by one. 
There I could see a man with his hands having the symbol of nails and the face which I still can't explain in words. He was flying 10 feet above the ground. Don't know how but certainly I was kneeling on ground with my hands raised towards him. Now I could see his face clearly and could hear his words clearly.
The God the Father or God the Son or God the Holy Spirit was here so long but now wish to move away from this place (the world). His last words before he departed
"This is not world which I created and I wished to be and hence I wont stay here anymore."
With me pleading to him to sustain his presence, the great soul started moving higher and higher above my roof which soon entered the galaxy to mingle with the stars.
Suddenly the end came with me thundering sound of the showers outside the window and my eyes opening to get down from the chariot to enter the real world. 

Is this a message conveyed?
I am a Hindu, how does I got up with such a dream?
Within so many questions in heart, I end up this..........

Will continue on my text next.........stay tuned........

Thursday 12 December 2013

Demon in Dream

        People used to dream, but many of them do not remember that.  I always have dream even if I sleep for 10 minutes, whether day or night, does not matter. But I try to remember always as soon as I wake up.  It helps my memory too.

        I still remember my dream which I dreamt at the age of 4. It was a strange scene, where I was pulled by a Devil, which was behind a window and it tried to pull me through that window. If I remember that dream, I feel shiver and chill in my spine. The appearance of that devil, I wonder I have not seen in any film or any book, because it was the year of 1980, in our house we did not even have TV, but for the 4 year old baby, how come he can visualize those stuffs.  No idea, but I cannot forget that devil's figure.  What that could be.? It had a big lengthy face, five horns, and very length teeth, and it wore full of jewels too, interesting. In our house, the kitchen is situated near the garden, there is a window, I was standing near that window, the day was the night before diwali, I was cleaning a vessel, suddenly the window opened and the devil rose, caught my right hand and tried to pull through it. My sister and others tried to pull other side. I was crying. It did not leave me. I woke up with a utter loud cry. What this could be?

      I found out that my life is going to be full of struggle that is what the indication I got.

     After this, till now, I have dreams which are very interesting and innovative. I remember most of the dream. Will write one by one. Kindly share your dreams and give your interpretations. Lots to come, with my own interpretations, remedies, deja vu, psychic, etc.